
What is Route 66 Trip Planning?

    The purpose is to provide accurate information to future Route 66 travelers for planning their upcoming Route 66 road trips.

Who Sponsors Route 66 Trip Planning?

    Route 66 Trip Planning is a service of the Route 66 Community and McCoyCORE USA LLC. It’s sponsored by the most-used Route 66 travel app — the Route 66 Ultimate Guide (available in your App Store) or at Route66TripPlanning.com. It’s also sponsored by MyRoute66Passport.com, the official lifetime passport of Route 66.

Is there a cost or membership required to utilize Route 66 Trip Planning?

    No. Route 66 Trip Planning is a free resource for travelers.

Where is Route 66 Trip Planning based?

    Route 66 Trip Planning (a service of McCoyCORE USA LLC) is based on Route 66 in Bloomington, Illinois, USA.